Start automating your company's processes!​

We are a leading RPA programming company. We provide process automation base technology. We have software that creates robots for any type of company and a team of specialists ready to transform your business.

Improve your Roi

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Save time and money

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    Rocketbot is committed to protecting personal data, which will not be sold or disclosed. Rocketbot and its employees are committed to ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the information you provide to us.

    RPA para empresas

    ¿Buscas automatizar procesos en tu empresa? ¡Házlo con robots!

    RPA y empresas de software

    Optimizamos procesos en cualquier rubro.

    Capacítate en RPA gratis

    ¡Aprende a programar en RPA con nuestros cursos!

    Lead the way to automation

    RPA for its acronym in English: Robotic Process Automation, which in our language would be Robotic Process Automation, is a type of software technology that allows the automation of digital tasks, that is, it works with files and data that may be stored in a computer, or in the cloud or on the Internet.

    A little more of us

    A platform that allows the development of process automation robots (RPA). It is compatible with Linux, Windows and Mac. Our programming language is Python, which makes us a flexible, agile and scalable tool.

    We already have more than 120 partners (software companies) in different countries around the world that help us provide customized and personalized solutions of all kinds: administration systems, data coding and much more.

    International firms work with us

    Are you looking to automate processes in your company? Do it with robots!​

    We have experience working with more than 500 companies around the world in all sectors (financial, insurance companies, ecommerce, health and many more).

    Show us the process you want to automate and together with our partners (associated software companies), we will build the solution for your company. If you have questions about how to start automating your processes, we will advise you to do it correctly.

    Our proofs of concept are free and allow our clients to really see if it is what they are looking for in robotization.

    The most important software consultants and researchers in the world position us within the best RPA platforms in the world

    Rocketbot at Gartner

    First Latin American RPA platform at Gartner. We have a 5-star rating from our customers and an average of 4.8 stars from Gartner analysts.

    Rocketbot at G2

    We are leaders, we are in the top 5 of RPA tools with an average of 4.7 stars, awarded by partners and end customers from various fields

    ¿Quieres formar parte del mercado RPA? En 2022, la industria alcanzará los US$ 12 billones.

    En Rocketbot, trabajamos junto a empresas de software (partners) para optimizar procesos en cualquier rubro. queremos que el RPA sea accesible para todos, por eso nuestro equipo se encarga de conseguir clientes exclusivos para nuestros partners.

    Nuestros aliados ya han desarrollado sistemas de administración, codificadores de datos tranformadores de imagenes a texto, chat bots y mucho más.

    ¡Hazte partner de Rocketbot, la empresa líder de RPA en América latina!

    ¿Trabajas en desarrollo de software? ¡Aprende a programar en RPA con nuestros cursos!

    Contamos con más de 3000 alumnos capacitados y mas de 550 certificaciones.

    En Rocketbot queremos democratizar el acceso a la tecnología y que nuestros productos puedan ser implementados en todos los procesos de distintas organizaciones. Ponemos mucha dedicación para que nuestros productos tengan una perspectiva global. La clave está en creer en lo que hacemos.

    En nuestros cursos aprenderás sobre...


    Completa el formulario con tus datos y te llamaremos a la brevedad

      Rocketbot se compromete a proteger los datos personales, que estos no serán ni vendidos ni compartidos por ningún motivo. Rocketbot y sus trabajadores se harán responsables de asegurar la seguridad, integridad y confidencialidad de la información que usted pueda entregarnos.

        Rocketbot is committed to protecting personal data, which will not be sold or disclosed. Rocketbot and its employees are committed to ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the information you provide to us.

          Rocketbot tem o compromisso de proteger os dados pessoais, que não serão vendidos ou compartilhados por qualquer motivo. A Rocketbot e seus funcionários serão responsáveis ​​por garantir a segurança, integridade e confidencialidade das informações que você pode nos fornecer.

          © Rocketbot SpA | Todos los Derechos Reservados 2018 – 2022